Dipole Length Calculations
length (metres)=150/frequency in MHz
length (inches)=5905/frequency in MHz
length (feet)=492/frequency in MHz
To allow for 'end factor' multiply constant by 0.95 for example 492*0.95= 468 (rounded figure)
Loop Calculations
Full-wave loop in feet = 1005 / frequency in MHz.
Full-wave in meters = 306 / frequency in MHz.
Line of Sight.
To horizon
D(km)=3.57√ H(m)
Horizon to Horizon =D1+D2
length (metres)=150/frequency in MHz
length (inches)=5905/frequency in MHz
length (feet)=492/frequency in MHz
To allow for 'end factor' multiply constant by 0.95 for example 492*0.95= 468 (rounded figure)
Loop Calculations
Full-wave loop in feet = 1005 / frequency in MHz.
Full-wave in meters = 306 / frequency in MHz.
Line of Sight.
To horizon
D(km)=3.57√ H(m)
Horizon to Horizon =D1+D2